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Ivey and the Airship

Ivey Thornton is a strong-willed girl, struggling to find her purpose in the world of Aether. Having come of age, Ivey grudgingly agrees to travel to the estate of the reclusive young inventor, Miles Fenchurche, to find out whether they can find happiness in a proper marriage. Ivey plans to sabotage her engagement so she can follow in her father’s footsteps, but she’s not the only one to board the airship Monarch with a devious agenda. Upon discovering that she is destined to either save Aether or send it spiraling into oblivion, Ivey finally looks to Miles for help, and their relationship takes an unexpected turn. 

2011     PB ISBN: 978-0-9848035-0-7  •  LCCN: 2011960590

FICTION / Science Fiction / Steampunk / Fantasy / Epic

Book Size: 5.5 x 8.5    Page Count: 424    Book Price: PB $19.12 U.S.



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